Banking and capital market law

Including investment advice and tax law

Core competence

Banking and capital market law comprise two independent areas that are closely related and therefore occur together. Mr. Kaufmann is a specialist lawyer in this field and is therefore an expert in all banking and capital market law issues.

What exactly is covered by banking law?

In general, banking law regulates the claims and obligations of banking and credit transactions, their origination, processing and liability claims and thus intervenes in these transactions in a regulatory manner. The relationship from customer to bank or from bank to bank is a matter of private banking law. If it interferes with the bank’s own organization in a standardizing manner, this is referred to as public banking law.

What exactly is covered by capital market law?

Instead of regulations, capital market law primarily contains rules of conduct for capital market players and thus creates the framework conditions for the ever-growing capital market to protect investors. More and more commercial enterprises are active on the capital market with securities, shares and equity investments, and ordinary citizens are also increasingly investing their money in the capital market to provide for their retirement.

What both areas of law have in common is the threat to the existence of companies or private individuals, which can arise in a financial crisis due to loss of capital or debt.

Do you have questions about a specific case in banking and capital market law?

Popular legal topics in banking and capital market law

Shareholder rights

Shares are share certificates of a company. With this financial instrument, anyone can participate in the company, exercise shareholder rights and trade the share freely. However, investing in shares is also subject to general and specific risks. If you are looking to reduce risk in the long term and achieve high returns, we will be happy to advise you on breaches of duty.

Revocation of leasing contracts

Do you have a leased vehicle and your leasing provider has not informed you correctly about your right of withdrawal? Then you are entitled to reclaim your leasing installments by revoking the leasing contract. This means that you have a chance of having driven your car for several years free of charge due to incorrect revocation instructions. We will advise you on the process and check your leasing contract for errors.

Closed-end funds

With a closed-end fund, the investor acquires a stake in a major project from a company. However, many closed-end fund investors repeatedly stumble across problems and issues. For example, an investment in a company threatened by insolvency. Are you threatened with a restructuring case due to closed-end funds? From real estate funds to private equity funds, we can help you with your investment funds.

Capital gains tax

Do you want to reclaim your overpaid capital gains tax? Or would you like to know exactly when capital gains tax is due on the distribution of your profits? If the capital gains tax on your investments is too high, you need to pay attention to your capital tax and handle your investments correctly. We help you save money.

Building society contract

Building societies don’t have it easy. Interest rates are no longer high and loans are cheap on the market anyway. For this reason, lucrative home loan and savings contracts are terminated if savers do not wish to take out the loan. This means that the building society will cancel your bonus interest, which is often not legal. If you are affected by this, we will be happy to help you enforce your claims.

Online banking fraud

Have you been the victim of a phishing attack or have you been the victim of CEO fraud and your money is gone due to online banking fraud? We help you to claim your money back from your banks in the event of cybercrime and represent you if your money is gone due to online banking fraud, even if you have accidentally passed on your TAN or PIN (e.g. by e-mail or telephone).

Do you have questions about banking and capital market law?

04202 / 638370


Get in touch

Contact us without obligation - either by telephone or e-mail.

Initial assessment

We will inform you whether you have a chance of success and advise you on further steps accordingly.

Competent representation

Our aim is to assert your claims against third parties and enforce them for you.

Why we trust ourselves with banking and capital market law

In situations of financial loss, you need empathy and transparent, pragmatic advice for you as the person affected, while at the same time dealing professionally with the negotiating partners involved. This necessary crisis management is achieved because Mr. Kaufmann, as a trained banker, speaks the language of banks and corporations and is also familiar with their processes and mechanisms of action. The approach of taking unconventional paths in your interest characterizes the solution orientation of our law firm.

What we offer

Do you have problems with a loan or an investment? Would you like advice from a neutral, competent source before making an investment? Would you like to get out of debt? Or are you in trouble with the tax office? Then come to our office! We advise you on all asset matters and assist you with restructuring.

Mr. Kaufmann is a member of the Banking and Capital Markets Law Working Group and is therefore always up to date on banking and capital markets law issues.

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bank- und Kapitalmarktrecht-Kaufmann
Do you need advice?

04202 / 638370
Mon – Thu: 9:00-13:00 / 14:00-18:00 / Fri: – 16:30

Contact us

The law is a complex matter.
Let us advise you!


    What our clients say
    • Excellent advice in a difficult liquidity situation.
      Private tax office claim: installment payment agreed and resolved. Agreement also reached with the house bank.
      No insolvency! no coercive measures! not even a negative entry with Schufa and credit agencies. I would like to thank Mr. Kaufmann for his very professional, successful and outstanding human help. I can only recommend it expressly and unreservedly.

      Bärbel Meyer
      Google Logo für Bewertungen der Kanzlei Rechtsanwalt Kaufmann
    • I asked my tax law question and received a competent, comprehensible and very detailed answer on the same day, which answered my questions more than satisfactorily. I found the unobtrusive manner of communication particularly pleasant.

      Thank you very much.

      Elena K.
      Rechtsanwalt Kaufmann - Anwaltverzeichnis Icon für Bewertungen
    • Representation and mediation with a bank:
      Mr. Kaufmann helped me quickly and easily with a legal dispute with my bank. The problem was that the bank did not want to hand over the sale price to me after selling the land, but wanted to repay its own loans first, contrary to the agreement. Mr. Kaufmann was very proactive and reached an agreement with the bank very quickly. This would not have been possible without his support.

      Tatjana Pfau
      Rechtsanwalt Kaufmann - Verzeichnis Logo
    • Finally found a lawyer like Mr. Kaufmann! Previously only had sleepyheads who only woke up when it came to their own bill. Mr. Kaufmanbn stands behind his clients 100%. He tries to get everything out of it that he can. He himself is only satisfied when his clients are satisfied too. He is a fighter. I know from my own experience that this is unfortunately no longer a matter of course for most lawyers these days. So thank you once again.

      Christian W.
      Rechtsanwalt Kaufmann - Anwaltverzeichnis Icon für Bewertungen
    • We came to Mr. Kaufmann with a very complex tax matter. At the beginning we didn’t have the feeling that we could solve the matter in a positive way. In the course of the proceedings, however, we increasingly got the feeling that we had chosen the right lawyer. Competent, helpful and always a solution on the table. Nice, competent advice and implementation. With his help, we brought it to a good end and a lot of stones fell from our hearts. All in all, the right step. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again for your help and advice.

      Georg Obst-Arnold
      Rechtsanwalt Kaufmann - Verzeichnis Logo
    • First-class advice and support for people in medium-sized companies, among others. Mr. Kaufmann and his team are very friendly and competent and are personally committed to their clients. Highly recommended.

      Intellectual Capital Report North
      Google Logo für Bewertungen der Kanzlei Rechtsanwalt Kaufmann
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